What reading gives us, Ulin says, is not only meditation apart from other people but also the connection we form with the author through his or her words. "We regain the world by withdrawing from it just a little, by stepping back from the noise, the tumult, to discover our reflections in another mind" (151). Ulin goes so far as to characterize reading in this day and age as revolutionary, "an act of resistance in a landscape of distraction, a matter of engagement in a society that seems to want nothing more than for us to disengage" (150).
The implications of this distracted state are addressed in another recent book, Alone Together: Why We Expect More From Technology and Less From Each Other, by Sherry Turkle, who asserts that we are becoming so "immersed in technology that we ignore what we know about life." This thought is in line with Ulin's belief that we should take a step back from the large number of distractions we face. Few of us are immune, and we all may need reminding about the value of reading.
I mostly agree, but the issues are complicated. I think information overload includes several interrelated issues: technology vs. face-to-face interaction, speed of communication, and multi-tasking distraction. For first issue, I know there are extremes, but I think technology can productively enhance/supplement rather than undermine real-world interactions. Re second issue, I think we need both fast and slow (web browsing and deep reading), just as our bodies need both the speed of aerobic exercise and the unavoidable slowness of stretching exercises. Re the third issue, I have found (surprisingly!) that my new Kindle actually can help me focus/concentrate on one thing. For example, reading scripture on Kindle, I'm less likely to start flipping from one part of the Bible to another, instead meditating deeply on the individual chapters/verses displayed on the screen. Thanks for the thought-provoking blog entry--keep 'em comin'!